Relationships and Wellbeing

Each separate subject here at St Mary's has a Lead teacher. In Relationships and Wellbeing the Lead teacher is called Mrs Hayes. Her  many years of teaching experience and her senior role as Assistant head teacher, support her to lead this hugely important subject area, effectively. She is supported by all colleagues, in our desire to build positive relationships to teach children about life and how to be the best they can be.

Each subject also has a Link Governor, who supports and monitors progress, in conjunction with guidance from the SLT. In the case of RSE this is Mrs Hopkinson. As a retired Deputy head teacher who is still very active in schools, both as a teacher and as a governor, she is assiduous and hugely supportive to Mrs Hayes. 

Each class has its own class page, where homework, projects, home communications etc are publicised and shared on a very regular basis. Class pages share our Peer Mentor roles. These are aspirational roles reserved for our Y6 pupils, which also impact on children's self esteem.


We are all special and created in the likeness of God. 
Our Mission Statement reminds us of this:
"Recognising and celebrating the presence of Christ in one another."
We created self portraits to celebrate our uniqueness. 
At St Mary of the Angels we have organised a curriculum that is age-appropriate for pupils within each year group, based on the views of teachers, parents and pupils. The Ten Ten resource “Life to the Full” supports this in an interesting and engaging way for our little learners. Lessons are delivered across three terms, in blocks, during specified inductions weeks, on a two-year cycle.
When organising the curriculum, the Catholic faith taught at St Mary of the Angels is central, ensuring all topics are taught appropriately. The Ten Ten resource “Life to the Full” is considered an appropriate resource, as all teachings are linked to the teachings of the Catholic faith and to the love of God. It has also been approved by  Birmingham Diocesan Education Service (BDES)
The resource below shows how the RSE (Relationship and Sex Education) Curriculum is organised across the Key Stages using the resource "Life to the Full" here at St Mary of the Angels.
Our Long term overview is below. This helps to map out what is being covered and taught, when and where,, across the school, in Relationships and Wellbeing, currently. It might also help you as parents, to plan and link into the work we are covering and when.
During the Summer Term, Y5 and Y6 take part in lessons about preparing for and understanding puberty. 
The themes covered for this are available below:  
A flavour of our children's views are below, demonstrating the importance we place on listening to children. 
This in turn, enables them  to become effective leaders. You can also hear that our methods are effective.
Safeguarding Me
As part of the Relationships and Health  Curriculum, Year Six take part in a programme called "Safeguarding Me". Through this six week programme pupils are encouraged to develop strategies to manage emotions, friendships and keep them safe online and in the community. 
Please see below an example of the pupil voice collected to show how valuable pupils consider these sessions.
Termly Induction Weeks.
Each term the whole school focus on key themes of relationships, well being and behaviour expectations through Induction week. 
This allows for pupils to learn about British Values, Gospel values,CST, class and school behaviour expectations and how to keep safe online. Through the key themes, pupils are able to make links with how these all help us to live respectfully and safely.
The monitoring document below gives a flavour of the knowledge and insight pupils develop. 
Our Policy in Relationship and Wellbeing is below.
Assessment and Outcomes. 
Class discussion is encouraged in RSE lessons so often, children's responses are collected and recorded in class Tapestry Books. These give a snapshot of the learning that has occurred and illustrate typical pupil responses and impact. Children also complete assessment bubbles consistent with those completed in Science, RE and W.L.P. Please see below an example of these completed following the First Aid training day .  
Some examples of our successes are here for you to appreciate. These link in with parent and governor views also.
First Aid Training. 
As part of the Relationships and Wellbeing Curriculum pupils at taught: 
  • How to make a clear and efficient call to emergency services if necessary.
  • • Concepts of basic first-aid, for example dealing with common injuries, including head injuries
We recognise that our children learn well when they are actively involved. Y1-Y6 have all had the chance to participate in some  basic first- aid training, this Autumn. Please take a look at the pictures below to give you a snapshot of the day the pupils all experienced.
Disability Awareness Day 
Health and Fitness Day. 
The children enjoyed a day focusing on their fitness  whilst being inspired by bronze medalist  gymnast Sam Oldham. 
Sam spoke to the children about his journey to become an Olympic Gymnast. He inspired the children to work hard and be resilient. The children watched in awe as he showed them some of his tricks and they were especially amazed when he walked on his hands across ten Year Six children!
Across the morning all children completed a fitness circuit and were encouraged by Sam throughout. The children recognised the affects of exercise on their body and mind. 
Children's Mental Health Week. 
During this week all classes discuss how to keep their mind healthy and recognise the emotions we are feeling. 
The focus this year was "Let's Connect", both Key Stages had an assembly to promote this and the children shared what they were proud of achieving and the people that had helped them to do this. 
An example of some of their work can be seen below.