Our Headteacher

  • Mrs Natalie Hill



    Welcome to St Mary of the Angels Catholic Primary School website. We are a one-form entry school, based in Aldridge, who are proud of our children, staff and school ethos. Within our school, we create a strong environment of care and support for one another, nurturing the holistic development of each child, building confidence, self-esteem and resilience in all of our pupils.

    Through our ambitious and exciting curriculum, children develop a love for learning. We pursue the highest academic standards for all children in our school and children want to try their very best. We have a highly motivated, vibrant and hard-working team of staff who always put the children first. Our resources are excellent, including a spacious playground and wonderful outdoor grounds, which the children benefit from during lessons and break times.

    We have the needs of the children at the heart of everything we do at St Mary’s, and we recognise the valuable contribution that parents and carers play in order for us to achieve our goals. Communication is key and the staff at school are here to work with our families and foster strong relationships between home and school, for the benefit of our children’s spiritual, academic and mental well-being. Together, we can support our children to reach their potential and become confident, polite, well-rounded young people.
    In keeping with our mission statement, ‘recognising and celebrating the presence of Christ in one another’ we see all children and adults as Christ-like. We challenge ourselves, and our pupils, to give their best efforts and to share and celebrate their unique gifts, talents and achievements. Our school also enjoys a close partnership with the parish and supports the children’s spiritual, moral and social enrichment, rooted in the Church’s teachings and Gospel values.

    All staff and governors share in this sense of belonging to the family of God, and work together for the pupils and families of St Mary of the Angels.

    You will find lots of useful and interesting information as you tour our website. This includes details of our children’s academic performance, school policies and our school prospectus. For parents, and indeed our children themselves, you will also find an overview of our bespoke curriculum, samples of children’s work and a selection of photos that aim to give an overview of what life is like at St Mary of the Angels.

    I feel very privileged to be headteacher of such a thriving, successful and happy school and I warmly invite you to visit us or contact us. Please take the time to explore and enjoy our website.

    Mrs Hill