Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium (PPG) is a Government initiative which provides additional funding aimed at the following groups of pupils:
At St Mary of the Angels, we have looked carefully at our children's barriers to learning and have identified the following objectives that we wish to address:
- Those entitled to Free School Meals;
- Those who are looked after by the Local Authority (LAC);
- those who were previously looked after but have ceased to be due to adoption, a special guardianship order, a child arrangements order or a residence order
- Those whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces.
At St Mary of the Angels, we have looked carefully at our children's barriers to learning and have identified the following objectives that we wish to address:
- To ensure that pupils eligible for the PPG and their families, are able to access a range of support and additional opportunities, with the intention of reducing the impact of environmental factors on their learning and life chances.
- To close the progress gap between our PP learning and non-PP children nationally
- To reduce the percentage of PP children below age related expectations in Reading, Writing, Maths and Grammar through addressing their barriers to learning
It is, therefore our intention to help in the following ways, in areas that our children will benefit most from, including the following:
- Attendance- where family circumstances either medical, emotional or financial impact on children’s attendance
- Financial - where pressures on parents mean that the school assists to ensure children have equal access
- Academic – where children have additional needs in their learning such that they do not reach the threshold for EHCP but have needs additional to and different from their peers
- Emotional – when the strain on a family as a result of their family’s position or circumstances, has had a detrimental impact on their health and emotional wellbeing, impacting on resilience independence and self esteem
- Physical- where children or their parents have physical or significant medical needs which impact on their ability to be at school or access school
- Identification – ensuring that any eligible family registers for FSM, something which is particularly challenging given UiFSM entitlement and pride
Please find below our most recent reports, which look at how well St Mary of the Angels pupils have achieved as a result of the additional funding, in relation to the rest of the country.