Behaviour at St Mary of the Angels.

At St. Mary of the Angels we aim to teach the values and attitudes, as well as knowledge and skills, that will promote responsible behaviour, encourage self-discipline and respect for themselves, others and for property, that reflect Gospel values , Catholic Social Teachings and British Values. These significant values lay the foundations for our expectations and development of behaviour, conduct, personal development and also lay a firm foundation for our bespoke, enriching curriculum. 

All members of our school community are asked to show human dignity to all. They are expected to show respect for each other, for their own and other people's property and to take care of books, equipment and the building for the common good. Pupils are expected to be well behaved, well mannered, truthful and attentive as they follow the school's mission statement of "Recognising and Celebrating the presence of Christ in one another."

St Mary's is all about children and children need a hook- something to link them with good times and support them through the bad times, too. Our hook is hugely successful- it is out Catholic ethos, centred on the teachings of Christ and how that applies in our busy world today- it is inclusive of all, and embedded into all that we do, including our Mission Statement:
 "Recognising and celebrating the presence of Christ in one another" 
We cannot think of a better way to start a child's life journey than walking with Christ. It helps us to see the good in each other and in ourselves. Long may we continue to do so. We hope that you will join us in this journey, too.
Our closed Twitter account can be accessed by families known to school. It currently hosts in excess of 150 followers. Staff tweet regularly, sharing good times and celebrating success.
Here are a flavour of recent events which have been tweeted, also.
St Mary of the Angels Catholic Primary School aims to be a positive force within the Catholic Church inspired by the life of Christ in the Gospel.

The school is committed to the widest and fullest education with ambition for all pupils in a partnership between home, school, parish and community.

The school aims to create a happy, ordered environment where all members feel secure and valued.

Food For Life Award!
We have been awarded for our healthy food achievements!
We are so proud to announce that as a school, we have been awarded the Food for Life Bronze Award for our healthy and climate-friendly culture. As part of our award, we give every pupil the opportunity to visit a farm, cook and participate in food growing activities. 

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