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Each separate subject here at St Mary's has a Lead teacher. In P.E, we have a team leading PE; Mrs Smith & Mr Reynolds. We work effectively to encompasses the exuberance of youth, a love of sport, and a great understanding of progression in the main areas of PE (Dance, Gym, Athletics, Outdoor Competitive Games, Adventurous Games and Swimming).

Each subject also has a Link Governor; Martin Baker, who supports and monitors progress, in conjunction with guidance from the SLT. In the case of P.E, with its separate P.E Grant, the finances and actions are effectively managed by the lead PE teacher. They are then analysed and next steps are built in to the new action plan the following year supporting our ethos of what Physical Education means to us at SMA.

We encourage all children to lead an active lifestyle and with Pupil Voice high on our agenda the children are involved greatly in sharing what they want to experience to support their fitness, mental health and well being. Our Well being board in school shares monitors, outside of school experiences and highlights the importance and impact of physical activity. 

Please see below some of the children's experiences linked with Physical Education. This gives you an insight into some of the activity the children participate here at St. Mary of the Angels


The children were able to experience a pop up pool in school during  the induction weeks. The children's physical activity, swimming skills and fitness improved.  You can also see the smiles! 
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Sports day 2024
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The sports Leaders in Year 5 lead Year 1 and Year 2 in their sessions for Sports week - they were great organisers, communicators and models for being fit and healthy!
We provide so many different physical experiences at SMA; some curriculum and some extra-curricular clubs for the children in our school.

Our Curriculum philosophy is below, showing why we do it the way we do it here at St Mary of the Angels.

 Our PE Philosophy is based on our three key principles; Enjoy, Involve and Inspire.


First and foremost, we want pupils to enjoy the physical activity that they take part in at SMA. We aim to foster this enjoyment and interest in physical wellbeing and healthy lifestyles, with a view to establishing long lasting healthier lifestyle choices. Through our staff, sports coaches, event days and other inspirational visitors, we aim to inspire and engage children’s interest in sporting activities, by providing a wide range of opportunities within school, after school and within the wider community. Finally, we promote our Catholic values through P.E. here at SMA and positively encourage children to share, respect, support, problem solve and work collaboratively.


SMA are also proud to be part of the Streetly Partnership, which facilitates the School Games programme. This organisation provides lots of opportunities throughout the year, for many children to take part in competitive sport. This year, the School Games Programme will be split into three categories; Inspire, Engage and Compete. This provides more opportunities for all students to participate, for example those less interested in Physical Activity, those wanting to learn new skills or those who have a passion for a particular sport.


Examples of some Key Knowledge organisers for Physical Education are below. These help you to know what is being taught and when, for your child. Hopefully, they also give you a flavour of the type of vocabulary and the type of learning that will take place in each year for your child.


A flavour of our children's views are below, so that you can see that we listen to children and they empower us to help them become effective leaders. You can also hear that our methods are effective.



Children have regular opportunities to share their views, answer specific questions and make suggestions for improvements in pupil voice sessions.
Children were asked about PE and physical Activity in their PE lessons. See below for responses.... 
 "Fun, free, engaged, excited, supported, included, joyful, enjoyment, grateful, part of a team, active."
"PE lessons include -  Warm up and stretches, learn a skill or rules, practice the skills in a game or on apparatus, cool down."
"After a physical activity, I feel tired but happier. I feel thirsty afterwards. I like running around at break and lunchtime. I like to play with the skipping ropes. I like to play with the new equipment. I would like the equipment out at lunch time too."
Children were asked about the Pop up pool. See below for responses.....
"Safe area, very relaxing and warm, clean"
"Fun, exciting, amazing, big, energetic, enjoyable, funky, warm, relaxing, small, tiring"
"I went in the pool – but didn't want to - I was brave was really happy with myself"

SMA Strategies to Remove Potential Barriers of Learning.
Through adaptive teaching strategies we aim to support all learners to access the Literacy Curriculum. 
Please see the document below for strategies used to address potential barriers.
Here at SMA we are proud to have been awarded the Sport Gold Award.

Our long term overview is below. This helps to map out what is being covered and taught when and where across the school in P.E, currently. 


Our Action Plan in P.E is below


Our Policy in P.E is below


Our assessment methods are summarised here for you.

Assessment in P.E....

Our approach to assessing in P.E. is also used to celebrate pupils' success and achievement. Assessment helps staff when planning, highlights particular areas of strength/difficulty and enables us to plan in/allocate time to address these. 

  • Determine and monitor pupils' progress across Games, Gymnastics and Dance focusing on the "Hand, Head, Heart" philosophy.
  • Feedback the information to pupils, empowering them in their own learning and performance
  • Enable the setting of appropriate next steps for pupils
  • Plan future learning to build on prior learning, attainment and skills

Assessment is carried out by teachers in the course of the normal class activity. This is done mainly through observations and sometimes through discussion with children. A photographic/video record is sometimes used to document some of their work. These can be found on Seesaw. Skills are monitored linking to Knowledge Health & Fitness, Developing & Acquiring skills and Evaluating & improving.