Our SEND Curriculum Statement of Intent:
At St Mary of the Angels, our intention for Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) is to ensure that all children receive a high-quality and ambitious education regardless of need or disability. We believe that it is vital that our pupils are equipped with the tools needed to become independent, inquisitive learners both in and out of the classroom.
Through our high quality planning, teaching and provision we:
Pride ourselves on early identification and intervention for SEND to ensure that progress and opportunities are maximised.
Ensure that all children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which is differentiated to enable children to understand the relevance and purpose of learning.
Provide an accessible learning environment which is tailored to the individual needs of all pupils.
Develop children’s independence and life skills Regularly monitor the progress of children with SEND, using a child-centred approach.
Provide good quality and relevant training for all staff members supporting children with SEND. Work in partnership with parents and carers.
Work closely with external agencies and other professionals to hone and develop our provision for children with SEND.
We regard inclusion as an important aspect of learning because:
Inclusive practice ensures each child is treated fairly and with respect. By having access to educational content, each child is able to fully participate which provides them with the skills and resources for later life.
The approach understands that every child is unique and this affects their readiness and ability to learn. As a result, teaching methods and activities should be structured to accommodate this.
By putting children's needs at the forefront, it increases the likelihood that they will participate in activities as they will be motivated to learn.
If activities are tailored to their own capabilities, they will feel supported and inspired to get involved.
No child should be discriminated against because of a certain characteristic they may possess.
(What does this look like in our school?)
At St Mary of the Angels, every teacher is a teacher of SEND. As such, inclusion is a thread that runs through every area of the school enhanced by collaboration between senior leaders, teachers, support staff, external agencies, parents and most importantly, the child.
At St Mary of the Angels, pupils with SEND will:
Be included in all aspects of the school day.
Be provided with quality first teaching, differentiated to their needs.
Be respected and their contributions valued and acknowledged.
Receive specific and targeted 1:1 or small group intervention to support their individual needs and targets.
Work alongside external agencies such as an Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist services to develop specific targets/programmes tailored to the child’s individual needs.
The SEND Code of Practice states that:
High quality teaching that is differentiated and personalised will meet the individual needs of the majority of children and young people. Some children and young people need educational provision that is additional to or different from this. This is special educational provision under Section 21 of the Children and Families Act 2014. Schools and colleges must use their best endeavours to ensure that such provision is made for those who need it. Special educational provision is underpinned by high quality teaching and is compromised by anything less.
Evidence and Impact
(Where will you see it?)
As a Voluntary aided Catholic primary school within the Walsall Authority, our approach to meeting the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs is similar to other Catholic and maintained primary schools within the Local Authority. The LA support us to facilitate the best possible progress in school for all pupils irrespective of their specific needs.
All schools are supported to be as inclusive as possible, with the needs of pupils with Special Educational Need/s being met in a mainstream setting wherever possible, where families want this to happen.
As a result:
Children at St Mary of the Angels feel happy, safe and respected.
Behaviour at St Mary of the Angels is exemplary and diversity is celebrated.
Children demonstrate high levels of engagement in activities, developing their speaking, listening and social skills.
Children with SEND make good progress at St Mary of the Angels from their starting points due to the use of resources and small group intervention which meets the needs of the pupils.
On leaving St Mary of the Angels, children with SEND have developed good independence and life skills and a passion for life-long learning.