
The policy of St Mary of the Angels School is that pupils should wear school uniform. This is based on the belief that school uniform, among other things, provides a corporate sense of identity.

Children are expected to be well presented. For hygiene reasons long hair must be tied back. Artificially coloured hair, beaded hanging braids and gelled styles are inappropriate. So, too are tram lines in hair. Nail polish and make-up are not permitted. 

Nursery Uniform

 Children in Nursery need:

  •  A red school sweatshirt with the school logo
  •  A plain white school polo shirt
  •  Black Joggers/trousers/leggings/skirt (to ease toileting - they need to be able to pull them up and   down)
  •  They need sensible school shoes with a Velcro fastening- no trainers or fashion shoes.
  •  P.E kit (see below) will be needed for all Nursery children also on their allocated day.


  • Long grey/black straight leg school trousers (short ones may be worn Easter to October half term)
  • Plain brown pinafore or skirt
  • Long sleeved white shirt/blouse
  • Brown v-neck pullover/cardigan
  • Brown and gold stripe tie
  • Grey/white socks or black/brown tights
  • Coat or anorak
  • Black or brown shoes (no trainers or boots): maximum heel height 1”
  • White, brown or yellow hair ribbons
Summer (Easter until October half term)

  • White or yellow polo shirt
  • Brown v-neck pullover/cardigan
  • Short grey trousers (optional)
  • Yellow and white gingham/checked dress
  • Grey/white socks
  • Black or brown shoes (no trainers or boots): no open toed sandals
  • White, brown or yellow hair ribbons
PE Kit

  • Plain red t-shirt (with school emblem - optional) 
  • Plain red sweatshirt (with school emblem- optional)
  • Plain black shorts (not cycling shorts) or a plain black P.E skirt
  • Plain black jogging bottoms (not leggings) 
  • Trainers / black pumps 
  • Football boots/shin pads (if participating in extra-curricular football)
Jewellery and accessories
  1. Children are not allowed to wear jewellery, with the exception of plain gold, silver or brown/yellow studs in their ears, not any where else.
  2. Earrings cannot be worn during P.E sessions. Plasters will only be tolerated in the initial six weeks of piercing. These need to be provided by parents. After that time, all children must remove earrings , either at home or themselves, at school, for Health and Safety reasons. 
  3. A watch can be worn, at parents' own risk in the event of it being lost or stolen, providing it does not become a distraction to others (no watches with cameras or recording devices).
  4. Children are not allowed to wear nail varnish or make up, unless they are given specific permission from the Head teacher.
It is of great assistance if your child’s name is in every article of clothing. This can avoid mix-ups and prevent children from becoming unnecessarily upset.

It is expected that the children will wear uniform at all times. If this causes a problem, please consult with the Headteacher.

We have organised an Upcycled Uniform Shop in school. This will be available during key events, e.g. workshops and parents' evenings. If you would like to access it at another time, please give our school office a call and they will be happy to assist. 


A&J Designs (Staffs) Ltd
Apex Business Park
Unit 1
Walsall Road
Norton Canes
WS11 9PU

Tel: 01543 360055
email: admin@a4jdesigns.co.uk
Web: www.a4jdesigns.co.uk (external link)

They offer collection or delivery.
Crested School Wear
7 Park Street
Tel: 01922 276266